A unique shareholding structure
Our shareholders bring stability and independence from the main market players.
The involvement of our employees in our shareholding reflects the strong entrepreneurial and family culture of the Group.
Cédric Charpentier
Group CEO
Hervé Houdard
Vice President, Group Holding Company
Alain Missoffe
Executive Vice President in charge of commercial coordination and transversal development of the Group
Frédéric Van Roekeghem
Executive Vice President, Corporate Functions
Sylvie Rolland
Director of Human Resources
Anne-Jacques de Dinechin
Managing Director – “Specialties” Regulated professions, reinsurance, captives and affinity
Thierry Vachier
Managing Director – Social Protection and Consulting France and International
Philippe Puigventos
Managing Director – Credit, Sureties and Financing
Frédéric Grand
Managing Director – International Mobility
Our shareholders bring stability and independence from the main market players.
The involvement of our employees in our shareholding reflects the strong entrepreneurial and family culture of the Group.