Protecting progress to imagine a sustainable and peaceful future.

Our activities are at the very heart of the lives of women, men and companies. In keeping with what characterizes us, we are committed to a sustainable development approach, reflecting our commitments to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

As a major player in the protection of goods and people, we want social and environmental issues to play a more significant role in our decisions and our activities.

Our involvement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is part of Diot-Siaci’s restated strategy, fostered by the strong values shared by the women and men who form our Group and embody our mission statement.

To this end, CSR governance is based on the strategy defined by the Executive Committee. It is led by the Human Resources Division and monitored by 12 permanent members from the Group’s various business lines, who make up the CSR Committee.

Our commitments

Our actions

Signatory to the United Nations Global Compact

Since 2015, Diot-Siaci has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact social responsibility initiative and its 10 principles covering human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Act4nature International

Act4nature international is a voluntary corporate commitment initiative in support of biodiversity. Its purpose is to mobilize companies on the issue of their direct and indirect impact, their behaviors and the action they can take to protect the environment.

Find out more about the sustainable commitments we have made to Act4Nature international.

Diversity charter

The Diversity Charter contributes to the development of a management style that respects differences and is based on trust and team cohesion, while at the same time being a factor in social and economic progress.

Adherence to the Diversity Charter and the implementation of the commitments made by Diot Siaci confirm our proactive approach in support of diversity.


For several years, the Group has conducted an annual assessment of its CSR performance using the EcoVadis platform.

Code of conduct and professional ethics

Business development in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the brokerage industry (French Insurance Code, AML/CFT and international sanctions, and the IDD) and to the Group (SAPIN2, GDPR).

Download our Code of Conduct

Carbon footprint

For several years, Diot-Siaci has been assessing its carbon footprint.

Communication on progress

Find out all about our main initiatives undertaken as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach.

Communication on progress